Your Enchanted Spirit Journey Begins Here

This website is devoted to the spirit of journeys that unfold in the pages of books.

The initial focus is on memoir: “a true account written from personal knowledge or memories of certain events or people.”

Discover the transformative power of reading and writing memoirs as a soulful expedition to unlock hidden narratives and wisdom.

“When Tough Cookies Crumble;
A True Story of Friendship, Murder, and Healing”

Begin Your Journey

My Memoir

When Tough Cookies Crumble.; A True Story of Friendship, Murder, and Healing is about my relationship with my best friend Janice, from the time we met as young soldiers in Korea in 1978 until she was murdered in 1981.

Read about my memoir journey.

Reading Memoirs

For memoir readers,
I recommend a large selection of memoirs on a range of topics, from classics to hidden gems. Memoirs

Writing Memoirs

Writing a memoir is a challenging and worthwhile endeavor. 

When I started working on my memoir, I didn’t have a map. As a result, I spent precious time and money going in the wrong direction.

If you are thinking about writing a memoir or have started the process, I share a variety of resources that helped me get on track to learning the craft of memoir writing.

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Sign up to receive my newsletter to stay up to date, as I add resources and memoirs to this website. I will also be doing a blog, podcasts, and events.

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